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I made an earlier post about Flash Player Square.


With geeksoup's help, I got it to download, I think. It shows on my downloads.


But, when I try to watch a webinar, a message says that I have no Flash Player, & it wants to download it. That's the problem I've had for a week.


Do I need to do something to enable it?


Thank you, geeksoup, for your help so far, but it seems that we're not there yet. Sigh.............


Adobe Flash Player, 10.2, I think. It's what Adobe says they have a preview version of, for 64-bit Internet Explorer. They call their preview version Square.


When I downloaded it, was I supposed to choose Save or Run?  I chose Save. Is that part of the problem now? Sorry if these are dumb problems, but, like Schultz, "I know NOTHING".


Hm, well from what I can gather, webinars need to be viewed in certain programs, such as adobe presenter, microsoft live meetings or similar. Unfortunately, these all seem to require payment, but do have free trials (mostly).


Try <a href="http://www.livemeetingplace.com/livemeeting/?gclid=CPH7jL-v8qUCFRZ-5QodcDIAqA">Microsoft Live Meetings</a> or <a href="http://www.gotomeeting.co.uk/fec/global/web_conferencing">Citrix GoToMeeting</a>.



Double click the item in your downloads, the install should be straightforward, if not, feel free to post again.


The message that pops up, when I try to view a webinar, is that I need Adobe Flash Player 9 or better.  I haven't gotten messages about any other software than that.


I do apologise, I misunderstood the problem.


Ok, if you find the downloaded program (<b>usually in Start > Username > Downloads</b>) and right click it, click open or install, whichever appears in the drop-down menu.


Then the install should be easy and should not take long. After this, Adobe Flash Player will be installed.


When you click start, at the top right of the menu should be your screen name or windows log on name.

If you click on that, a new window will open which will have links to things like 'Documents', 'Downloads', 'Pictures', etc.


If you open the folder named 'Downloads' there will be a file with the words adobe flash player in it and will most likely have the icon of a grey box with an A on it.


If you open this file, it will start the installation of Adobe Flash Player.


Scottie again. Re Reply #6  & your next post.  Thank you.  I think I can do that.  That's what I was just asking, so ignore my last question.  I guess these problems are humongously simple to a techie, but, for  machines that are  supposed t o be so sophisticated & automated, they sure have a lot of non-automated things that can trip up ordinary people. I thought downloaded meant "ready to go".


It would have been tremendously helpful if Adobe had a message/menu box somewhere in the download process that gave me some choices & some idea of what needed to be done to get the thing running.


Thank you, thank you, thank you, for your patience.  You've probably saved my insurance a bundle on nuthouse commitment costs..........


We're very glad we could help you Scottie, if you or anyone you know needs any help with tech, no matter what level of experience we'll all do our best to help and happy to do so, please recommend us to your friends and thanks for using geeksoup.net!


Scottie again,  I just watched a webinar that I've been trying to watch for a week!!!!!!!  Thank you, it finally works!!!!! It (webinar) was going to be taken down tomorrow night.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!!!  You people are wonderful!!!!!!!


Glad we could help :o We're gonna lock this topic, as it's solved be sure to make a new one if anything else arises :o

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