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The Tutorial is ideal if you like use Twitter Connect for people to signup on your forum.


Step 1) First goto https://dev.twitter.com/apps and create the application. Follow the step by step form, once you finished open a new browser page or tab.

Step 2) Goto Admin CP login using username and password.

Step 3) Make sure your are in the System area so click on the tab up the top, once there on left hand side click System Settings.

Step 4) Once there scroll to the bottom and click Social Media and Sharing, once in there you need scroll until you see Twitter Connect settings.

Step 5) Enable the system and fill in the Twitter app and consumer key. You can find this information on Twitter App page that you just created in the other page/window.

Step 6) Now choose a group you wish member to be assigned to when using Twitter to sign up. Then click update setting down bottom the page and you are finished.

  • 2 months later...

I always wondered where it was. Thanks for sharing this I'm sure many people will find it useful. Does anyone know if Twitter Auth is anything like LinkedIns because it looks very similar and I'm interested in trying to create a LinkedIn login system for MyBB or IPB. If it's similar than I should be able to get it done more easily and for less.


Also, does Facebook connect work in a similar way? Do you setup an app and get various IDs and is the option in the same place in the ACP?



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