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Hello everyone,

I was just wondering which out of the three you would suggest buying, my laptop is on the ends of it's life and I am looking to buy my next computer/laptop around july/august and was wondering which out of the iMac, Macbook Air and Macbook Pro you suggest that I buy.


Well, I'm not about to start a flame war, but I'd ask you the question...Do you need an Apple laptop? I only ask because they're damn expensive. Though at the end of the day, it's your money and your decision.


Personally, I'd save a few hundred quid, and go for a Windows based laptop.


To answer your question, you have to decide what you want to use the computer for.


iMac - Most powerful, but not really portable. Nice large screen too.

Macbook Pro - Decent laptop, not overly powerful but good enough.

Macbook Air - Excellent for travelling due to size/weight, but has poor performance compared to the above two. Plus, the cost is immense.


The thing is that I don't know what windows based laptop I would go for, if you have any suggestions that would be great. I am looking for something with a mix of portability and power, that's where I was thinking Pro/Air


I'm pretty sure I could compromise portability for power. I will be getting it when the 2012 edition comes out, I'm getting like $950 in July and I have money saved up so I could get an iMac then and a windows 7 laptop for chrissie


I never understood why people buy Apple laptops. All the stuff you can do on them you can easily do on a standard Windows one. Not to mention that there's more software and games that you can use on Windows than on Mac.

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