dojo Posted May 21, 2012 Posted May 21, 2012 Not having new threads on a constant basis can cause the forum to go stale and it really hinders its growth. I try to have around 4-5 new threads a day AT LEAST, even if we have many replies anyway. It keeps the content fresh and my members engaged. How many threads a day do you start in your community? Quote
ljepilo Posted May 21, 2012 Posted May 21, 2012 Not having new threads on a constant basis can cause the forum to go stale and it really hinders its growth. I try to have around 4-5 new threads a day AT LEAST, even if we have many replies anyway. It keeps the content fresh and my members engaged. How many threads a day do you start in your community? I'm starting about 2/3 threads per day. I prefer answering on other people's threads, its kinda easier . Quote
Jessi Posted May 21, 2012 Posted May 21, 2012 At this point, I would say maybe 2 or 3 for sure, but then I really step it up on other days and may have 10 new ones throughout the day. It really just depends on what's going on and how the community feels. If we're all actively talking already in various threads, then I don't feel the need to push new threads quite as much. Quote
CHiLL Posted May 21, 2012 Posted May 21, 2012 I don't usually make threads. On other forums, I'm more of a contributer to threads, mainly by those asking for technical advice regarding their computer. Quote
crumblepie Posted May 21, 2012 Posted May 21, 2012 Good question. I only ever start threads when I want to ask a question or I'm genuinely interested in discussing a topic. So for me, it's zero on most days, and a couple here and there each month. Quote
JackClarke Posted May 21, 2012 Posted May 21, 2012 I post less than five but more often none because I like to encourage our users to start their own threads. If everyone follows one person around who is creating threads then you can face problems if that person is away or ill for whatever reason. By encouraging the community to look after itself these problems are less likely to occur. Also it can often seem a bit annoying if it's always the same person starting threads - particularly if they're predictable - so by encouraging new direction in existing discussions you don't steal the limelight and somebody else gets the credit for starting the new topic. Quote
Creaky Posted May 21, 2012 Posted May 21, 2012 I always try and make as many as possible, not always easy to do though. Quote
Administrators Nathan Posted May 22, 2012 Administrators Posted May 22, 2012 I don't set a specific limit for myself. I only create new threads that I actually want to talk about, not a bunch of filler. But it seems that I have 3-5 new topics per day normally just while I'm working on everyday things. Quote
Sherlock Posted May 31, 2012 Posted May 31, 2012 4-5 ADAY! As my forum is new I like to post as much as I can daily!! Quote
The_Melody_Of_Rain Posted June 7, 2012 Posted June 7, 2012 I'm trying for a minimum of 3 a day. Sometimes if other posters have created a good number of threads themselves I don't post any threads. Quote
Marc Posted June 7, 2012 Posted June 7, 2012 Personally I only start threads relating to updates on the forum, events, and rule changes these days unless Im feeling in good mood LOL. However I have 6 Moderators and 4 Supermoderators. Each of these are expected to do at least 3 threads a day if they can. I understand thats not always possible, however if only half manage it and the others do 1 thats 21 new threads a day even if a member only ever replies. My forum practically runs itself these days to be honest, however as with all forums it occasionally needs a kick and when it does Im back there. We are currently on our way toward 750,000 posts and hoping to hit that in the next 3 months. Quote
tetutato Posted June 9, 2012 Posted June 9, 2012 Depends. Usually like 1 or 2. And even at max, probably only 5. Quote
Victor Leigh Posted June 9, 2012 Posted June 9, 2012 I haven't got my forum running yet so I don't have any statistics to report. Just curious. Does it make any difference if all the new threads were to be made at one go? Or would it be better if they are made like, say, one per hour? Quote
Marc Posted June 9, 2012 Posted June 9, 2012 I haven't got my forum running yet so I don't have any statistics to report. Just curious. Does it make any difference if all the new threads were to be made at one go? Or would it be better if they are made like, say, one per hour? On a daily thing, Ive never found it to make much difference either way on a busy forum as the newer topics tend to keep being bumped to the top anyway. On a very new forum I would split them up over the day. What I wouldnt recommend is doing say 10 in a day then none the next, if your gonna do this thread split it 5 one day and 5 the next. What I have done before now is make a list of topic titles I am going to post up in notepad as and when I think of them. That way I can just pick a couple each day without having to think of what to post LOL. Quote
ridwan sameer Posted June 9, 2012 Posted June 9, 2012 I Think 3 a day is good, Keeps members with new stuff... And hopefully members post new threads aswell Quote
ashwinr1 Posted August 30, 2013 Posted August 30, 2013 Threads are the lifelines of a forum! To me it is highly important that we keep starting atleast 3-5 threads on a daily basis. This keeps spurring more and more new discussions and the forum would seem ever so active! Quote
Soulwatcher Posted July 16, 2014 Posted July 16, 2014 I usually start two or three threads on my forum every day. Its a small forum with 900 posts and and 50 members. I want to be careful not to spam my forum with too many unanswered topics. I will create more then 3 topics per day once I get at least 50 active members. Greg Quote
razelia Posted July 22, 2014 Posted July 22, 2014 I... actually don't, at all. Haha. My site forums are mainly run by my forum moderators. I'm too caught up with working with the main websites/blogs that I barely have time to even work on the forums. I just browse it from time to time to check if there's anything new or if there are issues to be handled. Usually, the mods will just tell me if there are problems, anyway. Quote
WisTex Posted March 15, 2018 Posted March 15, 2018 I'm usually talkative enough where I will just randomly create threads simply because I want to talk about something new. Or I will notice that another thread is starting to go off on a tangent, so I create a new thread to start a conversation on that tangent. I think this helps create content that is more organic (plus helps keep members "on topic" within a thread). I've found that if the new threads don't feel organic, they are less likely to take off, so instead of giving myself a quota, I usually just post as things come to my mind or that are inspired by what other people are posting about. Quote
MelanthaKrasos Posted December 20, 2018 Posted December 20, 2018 I'm usually not the type of person who likes to create threads. Apparent fact would be the truth that I rather lurk upon newer thread and just simply provide my own reply. It takes me sometime to read threads and see if it interest me. Then if topic is to my liking, I would go ahead and give my two cents on that matter. I'm more of an online commentator, if I can be categorize in that scale rather than an active thread creator. Quote
Jelineex Posted December 22, 2018 Posted December 22, 2018 I don't own a forum to post any of my interest. I am not particular with the numbers of post that should be posted but rather the quality of the post. I find it useless to post topic that others can't relate or they just don't care about it. Interesting topic is sometimes difficult to establish and only a few has valuable insights. I understand that it takes a lot of patience and determination to succeed especially on site management. Quote
csk81 Posted December 26, 2018 Posted December 26, 2018 Mostly I will post 2 to 3 threads in a forum for a week. Rather I show interest prefer to answer the post . Quote
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