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So I'm having some problems here.


http://Digitize Design.net/pm/

Username: nathan

Password: test123


As you can see the project boxes fall under each other. I need them to go 3 accross then have a line break and continue that way for as many projects as there are. Any suggestions?

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why not use divs?


<div class="project_wrapper">

    <div class="project">

    <div class="project">

    <div class="project">



The projects class would be float:lefts with clear:none. The Project_Wrapper would be float:left with clear:both.


Hope that helps :)

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Your while loop's screwed in projects.php.


If you want them three across, you'll need to do something like a stepped FOR loop, taking them three at a time ("number of rows div 3" times) or a FOR inside a while (though it'll be weird) or a complex IF with a manual counter (which is a bit old-school but works and is sooooo easy to read).


Effectively something like this (which is only one way of doing it):


while the current display row number < total number of rows

if there is a row of 3 to show

show three from current display row number

increment current display row number by 3

elseif there are 2

show those 2

increment current display row number by 2 (or 3, whatever makes it bigger than the total so the loop ends)


show the one remaining

increment current display row number by 1 (or 2 or 3, whatever makes it bigger than the total so the loop ends)

end if

end loop



Or alternatively:


get number of rows returned MOD 3; (call it leftovers)

get number of rows returned DIV 3; (call it cycles)

FOR cycle times

show a line of three projects (at row numbers cycle*3, cycle*3+1, cycle*3+2 (assuming it starts at 0))

add a line break

END loop

FOR leftovers times

show one project and make sure there's no line break

END loop


Hope it helps. Note that it's not in PHP because I only taught myself the language in an hour on Tuesday and it's probably less confusing (for you!) for me to write in pseudocode than try to do real PHP. :D

Edited by SpikeTheLobster
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