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About Power Statistics


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This modification will allow you to have a page that shows advanced statistics about your board.


Within version 1.0.0 you will be able to see the following stats:


General (Most already show by IP.Board by default)

-Total Members

-Total Posts

-Total Topics

-Users Online

-Most Online

-Online Today

-Average registrations per day

-Average posts per day

-Average topics per day

-Total Boards

-Latest Member

-Average online per day

-Male to Female Ratio


Top 10



-Topics (by Replies)

-Topics (by Views)

-Topic Starters

-Most Time Online


You will also be able to look the following by a date range or certain days

-New Topics

-New Posts

-New Members

-Most Online


This mod should be available by the end of the week (06-15-2012).

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  • Administrators

Wouldnt a widespread software like IPB Already have something like this?

But anyway it's got some good features mate

They have basic stats, but nothing as this thorough. They have some more advanced stats in the AdminCP, but again not show like this. I want the public to be able to see these stats as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Administrators

Who doing all this work under the hood? Nathan? That's good. If you keep this up, this forum can become a showcase for IPB. Are you planning to release the mod?

The IP.Board stuff I'm doing, but Marc is going to head up the vBulletin end. It's a lot of queries and work, hoping to have it released maybe by end of next week.

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Nathan has been doing all the IPB ones yeah, and puttin a fair amount of time into it from what I can see :) Ive decided to write statistics in vbulletin and maybe even xenforo if I get chance so we have modifications for all three


EDIT: Actually realised I posted in the wrong section as it is power contest I am going to be replicating in vbulletin initially. This will be done, however not until the IPB release is finalised and I can see how it looks :)

Edited by Marc
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  • 2 weeks later...

Sounds good, the 2 features that i will most like are the following :


"You will also be able to look the following by a date range or certain days

-New Topics

-New Posts"


Sounds like a nice update for the forum.I love the new posts feature so most because i can see what people are posting about.Love the features, keep up the good work!

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Just curious. I have seen something like this on other forum software before. Some have it in the header. Some have it in a sidebar. Does this mean that everyone has to code their own to make it work? Seems odd to me that such a useful plugin is not already universally available.

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Just curious. I have seen something like this on other forum software before. Some have it in the header. Some have it in a sidebar. Does this mean that everyone has to code their own to make it work? Seems odd to me that such a useful plugin is not already universally available.

They all have some by default, like Total Posts, Total Members, Total Topics, but not all.

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A bit of a problem for me here. I am not using IPB or vBulletin. Not planning to in the foreseeable future, too. My intention is to use myBB. So I suppose I will have to see whether myBB has already got this plugin. Otherwise I would have to roll up my sleeves and get back to the coding table.

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