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How do you gain followers on Twitter?

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I have heard that Twitter is better than Facebook at promoting something. Unfortunately I have been unable to get any benefit out of it, because after 4 months since I created an account for my web site, I have only 9 followers on Twitter. I tweet every article and sometimes popular threads on my forum. But of course, there isn't any noticiable traffic from it because I can't get the word out with just 9 followers.


I am a noob on Twitter, and I have absolutely no idea how to make myself or my forum popular on Twitter. Any tips on how to use Twitter? I need lots of followers...targeted followers.

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I don't have many followers either. Just a couple of hundred. What I do is follow other people. Very often they follow back. It won't go boom overnight. Not if you are looking for genuine followers. Just make it a target to follow ten persons a day. Do that everyday for 30 and you will surely see an increase in the number of people who follow you.

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Yes aside from being a massive site, celebrity, famous, or a big business you will not gain a whole lot of followers without following others. Plus when you follow others to get them to follow you can then target. Build a list of people that you would like to follow you. Then go follow them, almost always people will follow you back as a common courtesy or they have software involved that will automatically do it.

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The key to gaining more followers is to follow the followers of an authority figure in your niche. If you want to get more followers and traffic then you need to get involved and comment, retweet interesting posts in your niche. You will have to follow others to gain more followers, there are no two ways about it. Think of Twitter as a long term commitment and as an opportunity to connect with your subscribers and customers and you'll go a long way.

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Are you saying that I have to follow thousands of people in order to have thousands of followers? Wouldn't I get thousands of tweets every day?


I wouldn't worry about the thousands of tweets if I were to have thousands of followers. Reason being that whatever I tweet will be seen by thousands of other people. That's the whole point of having thousands of followers, isn't it?

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I wouldn't worry about the thousands of tweets if I were to have thousands of followers. Reason being that whatever I tweet will be seen by thousands of other people. That's the whole point of having thousands of followers, isn't it?


So you do not even bother to read any of the tweets from the other thousands people you follow? :)

What makes you think others won't do the same if everyone who follows someone in order to get followed back?

Edited by Ram8349
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So you do not even bother to read any of the tweets from the other thousands people you follow? :)

What makes you think others won't do the same if everyone who follows someone in order to get followed back?


I do read the tweets that I get but not every single one of them. I just skim over them and check out the ones I am interested in. I suppose other people do the same with my tweets, which is why I try to put something useful and catchy in my tweets.

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I do read the tweets that I get but not every single one of them. I just skim over them and check out the ones I am interested in. I suppose other people do the same with my tweets, which is why I try to put something useful and catchy in my tweets.


Same here, I bet I scan through 3-4 hundred a day. If I see a keyword or phrase that interests me I stop and read.

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So how do you find random people on Twitter who are interested in the same niche?


After you find them and follow them, what if they don't follow back? Do you stop following them?


Do you gain or lose followers on a regular basis if you don't follow any more people?

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I would Google your niche with the keyword Twitter in there as well. It will return people that have Tweets or accounts that have those keywords.


You then just follow them. If they don't follow back then unfollow them. To keep them following though, you need to have an active account. Not something you only update 1 time per week.

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This is a great little thread. I have a Twitter account, but haven't used it. I was concerned about getting started. I prefer to develop real followers slowly than buying fake followers on Fiverr.

Nothing wrong with doing that either to get you rolling.


And you don't have to buy fake, you can pay others to do the follow/unfollow method for you with software.

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Nothing wrong with doing that either to get you rolling.


And you don't have to buy fake, you can pay others to do the follow/unfollow method for you with software.


I thought Twitter had forced the creators of that type of software out of business. I'm thinking of TweetAttacks.

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Its actually an awful and not legal method, but as I wanted to experiment this, I used a mass Twitter follower software, which boosted my account with so many followers within few days!


I do think that to promote your business, relevant people should follow you on twitter, but apparently, just to increase business, I used that software!

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Its actually an awful and not legal method, but as I wanted to experiment this, I used a mass Twitter follower software, which boosted my account with so many followers within few days!


I do think that to promote your business, relevant people should follow you on twitter, but apparently, just to increase business, I used that software!


Awful? Why is that? True it doesn't meet Twitters terms of service so that's why not anyone can just do this. You have to know the strict guidelines to follow to make sure you are not marked as "churning" followers.


The reason you pay someone else to do this is so they spend their time finding people in your niche to follow and they make sure to sick within the daily limits of following/unfollowing ect...

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Its actually an awful and not legal method, but as I wanted to experiment this, I used a mass Twitter follower software, which boosted my account with so many followers within few days!


I do think that to promote your business, relevant people should follow you on twitter, but apparently, just to increase business, I used that software!


I also don't get why it's awful either. Did using the software actually help you get more business? I can see using both methods. Software and manually following people can help me increase my followers.

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There are two ways to do this. It all depends on what's your goal.


1. Buying twitter followers. Yes, this is a thing. People or even companies offer you followers in bulk. Most of them are spambots but some are legit people who get paid for following others, thus creating a loop. Advantages: you get a lot of followers. Disadvantages: none of them are really interested in what you have to offer.


2. The legit, hard way. 90% of the people who (will eventually) follow you - don't find you on twitter. They find you on your website, on forums, blogs, facebook, etc. If you really want them to follow you on twitter, make your twitter stand out. Put a nice window with your feeds (tweets) on your websites and make those tweets interesting, in a way that they could capture their attention and make them say "Wow, I want to follow this guy/gal/company." If your twitter feed is full of RT's and bad tweets, no one will follow you, even if they're interested in your product.


Example of a good tweet: "Greetings, mortals. Our new "Evil Overlord Doomsday Pack" has finnaly arrived! Get your moustache, ray gun, and hello kitty tea cup for a special twitter price of just $9,99 by following this link *insert link*

Example of a bad tweet: "Check out the new arrivals in our shop *insert link*"

Basically, content is king, and where you put that content is queen.


Dependings on the product you're trying to promote, you may not even need a twitter account, if your target are stay at home moms or 12 year olds, twitter may not even be a solution.

Edited by locke
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  • 6 months later...

My formula for gaining twitter followers has been building my brand + monitoring trending hashtags and using them + replying to interesting tweets by other users. I think it's definitely a skill that I haven't completely mastered yet, but definitely getting there. Quality twitter followers can be really beneficial to your company or brand... You just have to search through all of the garbage and fake profiles.

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Personally I find that using the software is the best way. Through the website you can search for the hashtags and common topics. I know some of them are silly and get clogged by teenage girls mostly but looking deeper into your nich you can really find some people in there.


The biggest problem isn't finding the people; it's getting them to interact with your tweets. Replying is always good as you get the direct @YourSiteName right there for all the followers to see, Retweets are golden as they get you the people. Favorate's I haven't found to be much use. A few of my friends have favorited a few of my tweets but I never hear anything more of them. 


This tweet really got my thinking this evening about twitter.It is just a conversation you are having by yourself hoping that those few hundred people that follow you read it and reply to it.


I know quite a few people do giveaways using the different mediums. YouTube has the "Like, favorite, subscribe and leave a comment telling us...", Facebook with the 'Like our page' and Twitter doing the 'Retweet this when your done'. That means that people are forced to interact with your tweets. Just posting a dull stream of content that they could see on the website isn't going to excite them.


I would suggest the main thing to get followers is to go following yourself. Follow a few celebrited, join in on a hash tag and mainly bring in that your more then just an 'Update: New Thread'.

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