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Would you pay the price tag for photoshop?

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That is the question
When there are free solutions like GIMP Which are good, but nowhere near close to photoshop, Would you pay that massive price tag if your JUST getting into designing?
I mean why would a newbie purchase a expensive software if he has no idea how to use it? So in that case.. Who really buys photoshop?

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I prefer Fireworks to Photoshop just because I'm more experienced with it.


Yes it's worth the cost and I always buy the new versions.


I'm lucky though as my dad used to work for Adobe so I get the suite for $70.

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I have been guilty of pirating PS in the past but as a student I can get it cheap anyway. Also CS2 is now free so thats certainly a plus to any new designer hoping to get to grips with the Adobe UI :)

Free???? That's crazy!

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Yep, it's free! So if you don't want to pay the price tag for the full version of Photoshop, that is certainly worth picking up. 


As for the original question, yes, I paid the price years ago for it. I had used it in school, fell in love with it, and wanted to have access to using it at home later on. I wasn't even into design work at that point really, but loved using it for editing photos. 

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I did buy it a long while ago using my student discount however I returned it as I didn't think it was truly worth it. I'd love to get them again but now I'm a real students I would have to go into my over overdraft. 

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Yeah, I read that Photoshop CS2 is being given away for free but I researched that story and, with clarification, the full story seems to be that Phtoshop CS2 has cancelled its CS2 license management servers. I think what that means, is that you still require a purchased license for the software but you can still install/reinstall Photoshop CS2 without use of their licnse servers.

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Probably not unless I get really big in my career and I'm making a lot of money. I understand the developers of the software need to make money but the price of Photoshop alone can set you back for a while if your looking to use it along with something else. Luckily I have friends and a school to go to that has CS6 installed on their computers. 

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  • 7 months later...
CS2 is free? Wow I didnt know that, Kudos to Adobe

Kind of sorta. They make you agree to a disclaimer that it's only available to licensed users - it's kind of like a scouts honor type thing I guess. It's out there, and I'm sure they know people are downloading it without a license of their own. I highly doubt they would ever come after anyone - they aren't even running the license servers for that edition anymore.

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 I would rather get the entire Adobe set, rather than spend all that money on Photoshop by itself, I think it's a better investment, especially in this day and age because if you can upgrade for free or for a cheap price after having the entire set, that would save you a lot of money in the future.

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It looks like Adobe took down the CS2 Downloads page that was being passed around the internet. I'm not sure if this is temporary or permanent. However people have mirrored the download links and serials, which do appear to still be working. If you are considering downloading these I would do it now before they get rid of them all together.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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It looks like Adobe took down the CS2 Downloads page that was being passed around the internet. I'm not sure if this is temporary or permanent. However people have mirrored the download links and serials, which do appear to still be working. If you are considering downloading these I would do it now before they get rid of them all together.

Yeah I can't find it now.

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  • 2 months later...

Definitely not. I would have a hard time spending the money that some companies want you to put out for software. I have GIMP and it does great for everything I need. I haven't found anything I can't do with it. Of course, I am a die-hard FOSS person so I am willing to put up with a little hassle to avoid spending money for things like Photoshop. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would never pay a large amount for a program or any program for that matter, and why when you can get it... free? I wont say how you can get it free but you can there are tutorials on youtube, its not exactly legal though, I got photoshop free some time ago, but found it to be too confusing so I removed it off my computer.

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If you're JUST beginning to get into learning design, Photoshop wouldn't really be the way to go for a sheer beginner. If I were a sheer beginner getting into design, I would first practice my skills with free software available (and may I add there are quite a lot of good ones out there which are free).

That said, if a beginner were to start with Photoshop from the bat, he wouldn't need to get used to using other programs and would just be used to designing in Photoshop (which is all you need really).

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  • 2 weeks later...

It was never free, don't spread misinformation. CS2 is no longer offered for sale but they offered a new download/installer that doesn't require a serial number after they took down the activation servers so those with legitimate licenses could still reinstall it. Using it without a license would still be illegal and basically what you're saying is that any software without DRM is "free".

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  • 5 months later...

For a student it's definitely worth it, since you can get it for a pretty cheap prize. If you are not a student and want to get into design I recommend using GIMP at first, because you won't need most of the in-depth features photoshop has anyway and you can still buy it in case you need it later on.

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