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Object Oriented WebSite Development using PHP... How?


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Well, PHP is now getting ready to become completely object oriented. I have been searching all across the Internet and the bookstores online for helping me find anything which could teach me how to design and develop websites using Object Oriented PHP.


Almost tutorials online that I have found thus far, have discussed the Object oriented concepts, terminologies and such basics using PHP. Unfortunately, I still have not found anything that tells me, okay, this is how you should get the website displayed or developed when you use Object Oriented PHP.


Does anyone out here know of any place or book where I can learn and master the art of developing websites using PHP and Object Oriented concepts?

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Well, MVC is not the only method. I just mentioned it because it is very popular for new software packages these days but there are also lots that use different design patterns although object oriented programming really only becomes useful when you are dealing with large projects and complex data structures. Not so much with simple form parsing or user logins.

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Try this: http://anantgarg.com/2009/03/13/write-your-own-php-mvc-framework-part-1/


MVC or model view controller is a very popular design for software these days and this tutorial uses object oriented PHP to implement a website.


looks great. I always thought the MVC was for codeignitor. But yes, this tutorial is much different from what I had been reading. Technically I guess, I was more into simpler Object Oriented Codes as mentioned on sites like -



http://www.tuxradar.com/practicalphp/6/19/0 (this was my favorite as this one had at least a working example - though very very simple) and I needed to extend this. But for now, I think the MVC is the way to go and I will be reading through their Posts and Parts.

Edited by simplysidy
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