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Monthly income from websites?

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I've been trying to perfect for years.  The #1 thing to make money online is constancy, it can be hard, and I'm bad at it.  It's easy to lose focus and dedication on a project.  If you can overcome you will make money.  


My highest earning now is about $500/month or so.

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I've been trying to perfect for years.  The #1 thing to make money online is constancy, it can be hard, and I'm bad at it.  It's easy to lose focus and dedication on a project.  If you can overcome you will make money.  


My highest earning now is about $500/month or so.


How long did it take you to reach that $500?

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$500/mo is pretty good I think. How many hours do you spend working on projects a day would you say?

I'm always checking on them, probably a few hours between all of them.

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I've been trying to perfect for years.  The #1 thing to make money online is constancy, it can be hard, and I'm bad at it.  It's easy to lose focus and dedication on a project.  If you can overcome you will make money.  


My highest earning now is about $500/month or so.


That's pretty good. I'm only making around $200 per month at the moment.


I definitely agree with what you said about consistency. This can easily be seen in popular YouTube channels. Some of them are making several videos per week. That in itself is a lot but when you keep this up for years, you can see why have become YouTube giants.


I ran a forum once for about a month and then got tired of it and closed it down. I didn't have much experience back then.


This January I relaunched the site and this time I know more about what I'm doing. The site is doing well and growing but the sad thing is that if I had kept up with the old one instead of quitting then it would be a lot larger than what it is today.


Persistence is definitely the key.

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I wouldn't plan on being able to quit your job and be a content provider right off the bat.  It's rare that someone becomes a YouTube hit right away, but like the others have said - persistence is vital.  Whether it be a blog, forum, channel, whatever, you have to promote your brand and give it time.  You won't be making $500/mo or more right away, it takes time, development, promotion, and dedication.

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  • 3 years later...

I know people who make 2 k plus depending on the month. According to them the internet is like the wild, wild west. It's so broad that it's easy and hard to make money from. The advise I got is that if you want to make good money from websites, get a mentor who will guide you along the path that he himself took, because I'm sure that he had to go through periods of trial, error, error then maybe success. This makes alot of sense, in all self help books you're told one of the ways to success is to get a mentor, why not to work online?It's still work.

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