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What's Are The Effective Ways Of Marketing Your Content Online?

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Assuming you have an offer that converts well, paid marketing seems to be your best option, especially on platforms such as Facebook or Google where you can really target your audience.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and content marketing are getting harder and harder due to the sheer number of websites being created, especially with the constant changes to search engine algorithms. It's still worth doing, but I wouldn't make that my sole source of traffic. That'd be like putting all your eggs in one basket.

Freemium options seem to be pretty popular these days, where you offer something for free to get them to sign up, and then offer a cheap item to convert them into a customer, and then upsell them to make the real money. If you offer something valuable for free, your customers may start promoting you at no cost to you, and a certain percentage of them will upgrade.

Those are the ones that I can think of immediately.

Edited by WisTex
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Aside from the famous ones like social media, I have heard from my classmate that he uses this "API" thing which I am not familiar about. He said that it is already automated and is used to bring your ads to different applications on google playstore. He said that you can also earn from that ads. I hope I can learn that thing and share it to you guys. 

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