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Everything posted by Collin1000

  1. How would you go about encrypting plain-text emails and technical support tickets? That's the issue. Technical support tickets by nature are plain text or easily decrypt-able so that they can be read by a human. The credit card information was hashed but all hashes can be cracked with effort. I've seen a huge increase in spam to my WHMCS email since the information was leaked. Email address, name, billing address, that's all plaintext. I suggest taking a read at this news article: http://news.softpedi...ign=twitter_web According to a user:
  2. No, it wasn't, as they noted in the announcement. it was social engineering. they got Matt's email password, and then proceeded to hack his twitter, server, and whmcs. Think about it - if someone got into YOUR email, they could just reset all of your passwords, and boom. control. However, the hackers did leak the ENTIRE whmcs database to the public. all of the customer records and information. not good stuff.
  3. Not sure if you guys have heard yet, but the major provider of online billing for webhosting, WHMCS, has been hacked. http://forum.whmcs.com/showthread.php?t=47650 Change passwords, and take precautions as needed. WHMCS is like the #1 billing software for webhosting so it's not reassuring. If you're hosted at any site that is a WHMCS client, and they become compromised as a result of WHMCS's compromised information, you're still at risk.
  4. Yes that's true. If you scale it down it might work. Something more incentivized.
  5. I use SiteAutoBackup.com to take daily off-site (stored on AWS) backups of all my cPanel accounts. Works like a charm.
  6. It depends on how much I liked the site. Wikipedia asks me for donations, I'll chip in because I love Wikipedia and rely on it. But if some random forum asked me for donations, depending on how much I rely on it and love it, that would dictate how much I donate. $10 one time, maybe, but I can't see myself doing that monthly unless there's some perk tied to the monthly membership.
  7. If SOPA and political stances are important to you, get your domains from NameCheap and host with ASmallOrange. I use both of them and I am very satisfied. ASO has no overselling whatsoever so expect to pay more for less disk space.
  8. Agreed, people are trying to sell off their sites while they still can before they become totally useless. I'm glad that Google is pushing these low quality sites out of the SERP pages.
  9. I didn't realize people were actually Windows fans.... I thought that was just an Apple thing.
  10. I'm not really a fan of HostGator because they oversell their services and can't really provide what they promise. Unlimited isn't physically possible. If you need good database services - look into mediatemple. mediatemple.net -they are great.
  11. Google has started to seriously crack down recently on paid backlinks to boost PR, and now they are emailing site owners letting them know they are being watched carefully: http://searchengineland.com/google-warning-more-about-bad-link-networks-117079 How do you think this will impact your SEO?
  12. Agreed, need to know this. Lots of those "look cool" desktop extendors are serious load hogs.
  13. Android all the way, no questions asked. I'm not a fanboy of either company, I just can't justify the extra money for an iPhone, or a Mac, or any other Apple product.
  14. Which part do you fall under? Why don't you agree?
  15. Yes, all pages have now been forced over, personal profiles are still rolling out. You still have a few days left of the old design.
  16. So build a better search engine. Many have tried and failed. "Google" is a household name, just like Kleenix or Xerox is.
  17. Can't wait to see it! Maybe some teasers in the mean time?
  18. After getting burned like you did the last time, I would be extra careful around services with so few actual reviews. Let us know how it turns out!
  19. Why shame on them? They are a company, their #1 function is to make money. This is something Google is famous for. They expand into a market, see how it works. If the pickings are good, they hang around, if they aren't, they move on. Search won't be king forever. Just in case someone does search better, they've got plenty of backup plans.
  20. All of those are insanely cool. I now feel the need to do something equally as cool, except I'm not the creative type. At all. Grr. :/
  21. Another valid point. Every time Twitter hits a major milestone, people are quick to point out that 10-20% of tweets are bot posted spam.
  22. So now that the change was forced for everyone - what are you all doing? Seen any unique pages yet? I've seen some good examples of pages from those that I have "liked" - https://www.facebook.com/metrolink https://www.facebook.com/zendesk https://www.facebook.com/livechat https://www.facebook...subaruofamerica https://www.facebook...ackmilkclothing https://www.facebook.com/Spotify
  23. Do those 20 billion posts include reblogs, or is it 20 billion unique posts? Also.... 14 unique posts and 3 reblogs is the average? Almost everything I see on tumblr (granted I only check it about twice a month) is a reblog.
  24. You're correct in saying you see lots of HD stuff on Vimeo - for a while, they were the only ones that supported high quality 720 or 1080p video. YouTube has it now, though they still compress it I believe. Vimeo's got the "sharp" image that many go after. There are also no ads within the player, unlike YouTube.
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